N I C H O L A S . B O R G

Boring + Blog = Borg. Pics and vids taken with N90 (resampled)

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Best lady swimmer

My Gf won 1st in the Eden's (her condo) swimming contest for the ladies. Hehe. Her elder bro got take part but swim halfway the swimming trunks coming out Lol.

The Eden

Mah Bow Tan giving prizes


Blogger wingéd densetsu said...

oe...isn't this the condo behind tampines mart...? like 5 min walk from my house...:P

9:51 AM  
Blogger Nicholas said...

yes! didnt know u live at tampines too. Means last time u suffer the same fate as my Gf took 1.5 hr bus rides?

*Due to spams, I had to enable the word verification.

9:46 PM  
Blogger wingéd densetsu said...

yeahhhhhh i did...lol...can sleep on the bus...lolz

2:15 PM  
Blogger RosennA said...

Hahaa~! The condo so siao onz one ar??

4:35 PM  

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