N I C H O L A S . B O R G

Boring + Blog = Borg. Pics and vids taken with N90 (resampled)

Tuesday, March 28, 2006


I thought it's alive.

I opened the door.

It was flat in the middle.





Blogger wingéd densetsu said...

so have u peeled it off the wall, or are you gonna wait for it to dry up and become skeleton XD. my sick self too macro of squashed lizard remains on door before...skeletons are very intriguing, astontonishingly, the eyeballs didnt rot away :P

12:26 PM  
Blogger Nicholas said...

It was at one of the door @ my office, it disappeared after that. The sad thing is that it looks very alive. Its death must be very sudden.

3:21 PM  

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