N I C H O L A S . B O R G

Boring + Blog = Borg. Pics and vids taken with N90 (resampled)

Monday, April 10, 2006


Back. Took this when we were about to reach Japan.

View of plane's wing and the Horizon


Blogger wingéd densetsu said...

wahh nice.....BUT

that's all?????? how can u go jap one week and have 1 lines of update?? Post more leh!!! more!!!! did you find out if the mobile phones are cheap there? LOL

Any tips when going there???

9:51 AM  
Blogger Nicholas said...

I'll unveil the pics slowly :)
The phones not sure if can buy here to use but my 3G phone can use there.

9:59 PM  
Blogger Nicholas said...

Tips em... even when my "half bucket water" japanese I can use there. My gf brought a eng-jap dictionary but we never used it. So don't worry about language. (for wingéd densetsu.) Most hotel and shop staffs understand some english.

Bring more money. A can of drink there is 120 Yen, 100 Yen = $1.36.

Make sure your memory card for camera is big enough, I took about 400 photos and 60 videos in 7 days.

Quite cold in spring, bring gloves and extra jackets. 7 degrees celcius in the morning. The tour leader told us its same temp as Singapore! Imagine how cold me and my gf were.

10:17 PM  
Blogger wingéd densetsu said...

How about...'must have some guys around instead of just gals if going without tour'? LOL

btw, how much did u spend in all, i need to know to see if my budget is correct, where did u go, etc?

12:38 AM  
Blogger Nicholas said...

Need guys for what? Bring $500 should be enough. As I said, Japanese stuff are more expensive compared to Sing$ so Singaporeans not willing to spend there. The same stuff can be bought cheaper in Singapore. If just buy some suveniors and food, $500 more than enough.

The itinerary is almost same as http://www.scenic-travel.com/asia/japan/japan.htm (see the 6-day tour), except my trip is a 7 day and has an extra Universal Studios.

12:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Absolute beautiful horizon..

1:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


1:33 PM  

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