N I C H O L A S . B O R G

Boring + Blog = Borg. Pics and vids taken with N90 (resampled)

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Mt Fuji (Fuji San)

It wasn't snowing at Mt Fuji but there were snow on the ground. It's the first time I saw snow and it simply looks like ice kachang, with dirt as the toppings (lol). As there's a big difference in temperature between Fuji and where we were, which creates fog, Mt Fuji will appear, then disappear, which is why my first pic of Mt Fuji looks faint.

I like the 3rd pic.

Faint view of Mt Fuji

Smoking "hot spring"

At the last stop of Mt Fuji

View of lake from the hotel at the bottom of Mt Fuji


Blogger wingéd densetsu said...

Did you go to any hot spring inns? I know some are crazy...like 18000yen for 2 days 1 night, and only dinner included or something like that...

9:43 AM  
Blogger RosennA said...

Is this like your birthday treat or something?? Hahaaa~

One fine day i'll also go to JAPAN~!~!~! Hahaa~

11:31 AM  
Blogger Nicholas said...

The hot spring is included in the intinenary. In fact I went for 2 hot springs in different hotels.

Not birthday treat, just spend my bdae overseas. :) Got present though.

Yeah you can do it Henry!

9:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

looks like a very relaxing place to be in~

7:51 PM  

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